man in group therapy covering his face

How to Complete Step 7 AA

Step 7 of the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a crucial phase in the recovery journey. It is about humility and seeking help from a religious or non-religious “higher power” to remove character defects. This step is not just about recognizing these defects but actively working towards removing them to lead a healthier…

therapist speaking with young man

How to Do Step 6 AA

If you’re here, you or someone you care about is likely working through the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. This journey is deeply personal and transformative; seeing you engage with it is wonderful. Today, we’re focusing on Step 6, which is all about being ready for change.

men in group therapy

Step 4 of AA: Taking a Moral Inventory

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a renowned program that offers support to individuals battling addiction. One crucial step in AA’s 12-step program is Step 4: Taking a Moral Inventory. This step plays a fundamental role in helping individuals confront their past, analyze their behaviors, values, and beliefs, and lay a foundation for personal growth and recovery.