A structured schedule can be incredibly beneficial during your recovery. It helps you know what is to come, keeps you from returning to bad habits that could trigger a relapse, allows you to connect with your community, and prevents isolation. Spero Recovery implements a daily residential treatment schedule for our recovery programs. We understand the importance of order, especially at the start of your treatment. Our programs are separate for men and women. The schedules vary in each program because there are different needs to be met. Below will discuss the types of things you can expect to experience during the week in our women’s recovery program.
Residential Treatment Schedule Starts With Meditation Most Days
Your residential treatment schedule will begin with meditation on most days. Saturday is the only day that will start differently. We begin your day with meditation to allow you to center yourself and have a moment of inner peace before starting your day of treatment. You will be taught different types of meditation so that you can find the right fit for you.
Meditation is a practice that goes back thousands of years. It involves the coming together of your mind and body to provide calmness and improve your well-being. When practicing meditation, you will often be asked to focus on a particular thing. This thing could be a sound, repeated word, or the use of visualization to create a calming environment in your mind. Another way of practicing meditation is through mindfulness. Mindfulness is focusing on the present without prejudice.
You will often see meditation used in conjunction with other therapies, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). It can help you find an inner calm that allows you to feel more comfortable sharing your thoughts and emotions. This can help you better your mental health and lift a weight off that you didn’t know you were shouldering.
Benefits of Meditation
According to the National Center of Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), studies have shown that meditation practices can have both physical and mental health benefits. Some of these benefits include:
- Decreased stress, anxiety, and depression.
- Lowered heart rate and blood pressure.
- Pain reduction.
- Improved sleep quality.
- Reduced body response to cravings related to substance use disorder (SUD).
Variations in Your Residential Treatment Schedule Day to Day
Not every day of the women’s residential treatment schedule is the same. This helps prevent boredom and allows you to experience different things while maintaining structure.
12-Step Time Blocks
One of the things that can be different day to day is how you focus on working The Twelve Steps. Some ways you may discuss the steps are:
- 12 & 12- a group meeting to discuss a chapter of the Big Book that correlates to the rest of the week’s focus.
- Book Study- peer-led group meeting to discuss a chapter of the Big Book that will enhance your working knowledge of the 12 steps.
- AA 101- a time to discuss what it’s like starting the 12 steps, how alcoholics anonymous (AA) meetings are conducted, and how to act.
- Mountain Women AA Meeting- this is an AA meeting between the women within the program.
- AA- an AA meeting with everyone.
Case Management
This is a time set aside for you to meet with your program coordinators and discuss your progress. You will talk to them about where you used to be, where you are now, and the goals you want to reach. During this meeting, your recovery plan will be evaluated to ensure you are on the path to get you to the sober life you want to have.
Use this time wisely and don’t hold back if you feel something is working for you. We want to make sure that your needs are being met and that you are happy in your recovery program. Any feedback is needed to make sure you have the best outcome at the end of the program and are equipped to reach long-term sobriety.
Time Blocks to Help You Thrive
There is time set aside to help you in other aspects of your life. These include:
- Relationships- helps you understand healthy relationships. This includes setting boundaries, communication, and self-care.
- Herbs in Recovery- this teaches you herbs that can help strengthen your mental and physical well-being.
- First Step Projects- “help clients explore concepts of powerlessness and unmanageability”, stated Spero Recovery.
- Spirit Blocks- teaches that when your actions don’t match your values, then you are at risk of relapse.
- Creative Expression- time to create a project that will accompany you after treatment.
- Restorative Yoga/Quiet Time- provides a time for you to recenter and find calmness.
- Coping Skills- you learn helpful coping mechanisms.
- Community-based activity- a new experience to help strengthen your connection to your sober community.
- Mountain-based activity- a way for you to connect with nature through a new experience.
- Circle- weekly meeting to help you communicate with other program participants and work through conflicts.
The weekends allow for different activities, some of which are used to prepare for the upcoming week. These include things like,
- Visitation
- Deep Clean
- Brunch with Men’s Program
Residential Treatment Schedule Ends With Nightly Review
Every day will end with a nightly review. This is a group discussion of the day and the progress you made. It gives you the chance to talk about what you succeeded at, and what you are still working towards. You also get to see that everyone progresses differently because everyone has different things they are working through. The nightly review opens up a chance for you to connect with others in your sober community.
A structured schedule can distract you from triggers, giving you a routine, and helping you live your new sober life. It also helps you know what to expect and plan for throughout the day. You can also find a sense of community and make better connections when you are with the same people at the same time during the day. If you feel like you are struggling to find the right program for your recovery journey, reach out to Spero Recovery at (303) 351-7888 for more information today. We understand your unique challenges and are here to help. Our schedules are created to make sure your needs are met and allow you the best opportunity of reaching long-term sobriety.