What Do Alumni Programs Look Like in the Spero Community?

Spero Recovery Center provides treatment for individuals struggling with substance use disorder (SUD). You may be wondering where to seek support after treatment. We not only provide individuals with the tools needed for long-term recovery, but we also continue to be a pillar of support after treatment. Spero invites alumni or individuals who have completed…


How Experiential Therapy Can Help You Find Your Authentic Self

From sand volleyball and biking to cooking or making music, experiential therapy is a transformative experience that helps one find their authentic self. Practicing new hobbies and skills can provide you with the opportunity to discover a new side of yourself while serving as a therapeutic method to continue your recovery. The combination of conventional…


How to Find Accessible and Affordable Treatment

Seeking treatment when you need help is essential to help you overcome and manage any mental health or addiction-related issues. However, the thought of treatment and affording treatment can deter you from getting the help you need. It can be particularly challenging and overwhelming for those who struggle with finances. Fortunately, there are treatment centers…


Finding Local Community Options to Support Recovery

Recovery is a journey, and while you can develop effective tools during treatment, you’re going to need to be persistent to maintain recovery. Community options can provide a great way to help you explore new opportunities and continue growth in your recovery. However, knowing where to look can be initially overwhelming. While some practitioners are…


Why The Twelve Steps Work When Other Programs Fail

Few rehabilitation methods can compare to the success of 12-Step programs. Research has shown that a 12-Step approach offers significant benefits for people recovering from substance use disorder (SUD). According to Social Work in Public Health, “[Alcoholics Anonymous] and [Narcotics Anonymous] participation is associated with a greater likelihood of abstinence, often for prolonged periods up…


Adjusting to a Peaceful Life in Recovery

Healing from substance use disorder (SUD) involves emotional ups and downs. Some people feel uncomfortable during quiet moments because they have become used to constant emotional drama. Recovery requires finding balance, emotional stability, purpose, and peace within a sober space. Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation states, “By practicing mindfulness to savor everyday pleasant activities, an individual…


Why Forgiveness Is Important to Recovery

Founder of the Franciscan Order, Francis of Assisi, once said, “It is in pardoning that we are pardoned.” Many people believe that recovery cannot be fully achieved without forgiveness. There is a saying in the “Big Book” of Alcoholics Anonymous that refers to the dangers of resentment. To paraphrase, it is like hitting yourself in…


The Power of Breathwork

The first yoga sutra of the teachings of the ancient Indian sage Patanjali states, “Atha Yoga Anushasanam.” This roughly translates to, “Now the practice of yoga begins.” This same message can be interpolated into recovery life. Every morning can begin by exclaiming, “Now recovery begins!” In recovery, it is good to stay in the day-to-day,…
