Treatment Without Consequence

Treatment Without Consequence

Some believe that treatment is a captive experience where an individual will face consequences if they refuse treatment. While some treatment centers implement strict rules with consequences, treatment centers like Spero Recovery Center provide treatment as a choice. We provide individuals with the opportunity to build their unique plans to find joy in being sober…

Finding Local Community Options to Support Recovery

Finding Local Community Options to Support Recovery

Recovery is a journey, and while you can develop effective tools during treatment, you’re going to need to be persistent to maintain recovery. Community options can provide a great way to help you explore new opportunities and continue growth in your recovery. However, knowing where to look can be initially overwhelming. While some practitioners are…

Why The Twelve Steps Work When Other Programs Fail

Why The Twelve Steps Work When Other Programs Fail

Few rehabilitation methods can compare to the success of 12-Step programs. Research has shown that a 12-Step approach offers significant benefits for people recovering from substance use disorder (SUD). According to Social Work in Public Health, “[Alcoholics Anonymous] and [Narcotics Anonymous] participation is associated with a greater likelihood of abstinence, often for prolonged periods up…