Step 7 of the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a crucial phase in the recovery journey. It is about humility and seeking help from a religious or non-religious “higher power” to remove character defects. This step is not just about recognizing these defects but actively working towards removing them to lead a healthier and more fulfilling life. At Spero Recovery Center, a residential program for men, we integrate the 12-step model into all our addiction treatment plans, integrating it into our foundation and emphasizing the importance of each step in the recovery process.
What is the Simplified Version of AA Step 7?
The simplified version of AA Step 7 is about humbly asking a higher power to help remove one’s shortcomings. Though a “higher power” can refer to a god or other religious figure, it doesn’t have to. What a person’s higher power is entirely depends on the individual. A higher power can be something spiritual, something in nature, or whatever else appeals to the individual who is undergoing the 12-Step program. Step 7 involves recognizing that personal efforts alone may not be enough to overcome deep-seated flaws and that seeking external, spiritual support can be instrumental in achieving lasting change.
What is the Principle of Step 7?
The principle of Step 7 is humility. It requires acknowledging that one cannot do everything alone and that there is a need for external help, whether it be from a higher power, community, or support system. By recognizing faults and deciding to get sober, those who complete this step are embracing humility. Step 7 teaches individuals to let go of pride and embrace vulnerability as a strength rather than a weakness.
How Do You Work Step 7?
Step 7 is a highly personal milestone in one’s recovery journey. It requires self-reflection and strong willpower. The progress in this step may not be tangible, but success in this step equips individuals with mental skills that can build a foundation for long-lasting recovery. To work Step 7, individuals must take a few key actions to achieve the humility this stage of recovery requires. This is an ongoing practice that involves actions such as:
A major aspect of this AA step is recognizing one’s flaws. To do this, individuals can reflect on their personality, values, choices, and existing relationships. This reflection can reveal character defects. Journaling can also be a helpful tool in identifying and understanding these shortcomings. While it’s humbling to consider one’s own character flaws, this actions enables those on the recovery journey to identify specific issues they want their higher power to help them with.
If one’s higher power is a religious or spiritual entity, prayer can be a great option for seeking help. For those whose higher power refers to something non-religious, such as nature, meditation may work. Engaging in regular prayer or meditation and asking their higher power to remove their defects is the next action in the reflection Step 7 requires. This practice reinforces the principle of humility and the need for external help. This is the cornerstone of Step 7 in the 12-Step Program.
While Step 7 focuses on a higher power, people completing this challenge may also turn to others in their life for support. Sharing their journey with a sponsor or support group can help hold the individual accountable. Discussing one’s defects and desire to change can provide additional perspectives and encouragement. Additionally, professionals or another individual from group therapy can offer unique, experienced advice on how to complete Step 7 of AA.
It’s important to understand that change does not happen overnight. Since this step in recovery primarily focuses on internal changes, it may take more time than others. Individuals who are in the process of Step 7 should be patient with themselves and recognize that progress, no matter how small, is still progress.
The 12 steps to recovery were not intended to be worked alone! By joining a program or support group, individuals can gain the support, guidance, and accountability necessary for successful recovery. Immersing oneself in a 12-step program within an addiction treatment setting can be particularly effective, as it combines the structured approach of the 12 steps with professional counseling, medical care, and peer support. In such programs, participants benefit from the shared experiences of others who have faced similar struggles, fostering a sense of community and belonging.
This comprehensive approach not only addresses the addiction itself but also promotes personal growth, emotional healing, and the development of healthy coping mechanisms, all of which are essential for achieving and maintaining lasting sobriety.
How Do I Ask My Higher Power to Remove My Shortcomings?
Asking a higher power to remove shortcomings is a deeply personal process that depends on an individual’s definition of a higher power. For some, this may include religious practices while others may focus on mindset changes. Here are some guidelines for those completing this step and asking a higher power for help:
As mentioned before, meditation is a common action associated with Step 7. Meditation allows one to clear their mind and focus on specific thoughts and feelings. When working this step, individuals also spend time in quiet meditation, focusing on their desire for change and opening themselves up to receive guidance and support from their higher power. Duringing meditation, it can help to visualize a better life and healthier habits. This can serve as a method of asking for a higher power’s help.
To enter a meditative state, individuals should seek a quiet and calm environment where they can relax. This meditation can be self-led or they can seek guided meditation. Individuals may find guided meditation support in aftercare programs or even seek out audio tutorials made by professionals.
Another option for both non-religious and religious people in recovery are affirmations. Affirmations describe a phrase or mantra one can repeat to themselves as a reminder. This is a common practice in Dialectical Behavior Therapy, which is a supplemental treatment some include in their addiction recovery plan. They use positive affirmations that reinforce commitment to change. Repeating these affirmations daily keeps intentions clear and focused.
People in recovery can create their own affirmations to cater the mantra to their specific flaws and intentions, or seek more general examples such as “ I grow and improve everyday.” Whichever route an individual takes with affirmations, it’s very important to practice an affirmation that truly resonates with them, as this inspires changed behavior.
Prayer is a deeply personal action that can vary from person to person and by religion. It differs from affirmations and meditation because prayers are typically addressed to a specific entity. For example, in some religions, individuals direct prayers to certain saints or patron gods. Some describe prayer as more conversational and can be recited out loud or in one’s head.
If an individual’s higher power is a god or other spiritual being, they may develop a special prayer that resonates with them. It could be as simple as, “Higher Power, please help me to remove my defects and become a better person.” It can also be helpful to write and recite a prayer that admits to specific character flaws and request guidance from a higher power to overcome them.
What Are the Promises of Step 7?
AA steps come with promises to strengthen commitment to recovery. Understanding the promises associated with each step can help motivate individuals to complete each AA step and move on to the next. The promises of Step 7 include:
- Personal Growth: As you work on removing your defects, you will experience personal growth and become more self-aware.
- Improved Relationships: Humility and a commitment to change can lead to healthier and more meaningful relationships with others.
- Inner Peace: Letting go of pride and embracing humility can bring a sense of inner peace and contentment.
- Spiritual Connection: Deepening your relationship with your higher power can provide ongoing strength and guidance in your recovery journey.
12 Step Recovery at Spero Recovery Center
At Spero Recovery Center, the 12-step model is at the core of our addiction treatment plans. We believe that each step, including Step 7, is essential for a successful recovery. Our residential program for men provides a supportive and structured environment where individuals can work through each step with the guidance of experienced professionals and a strong support network. By integrating the principles of the 12 steps into daily life, our residents can achieve lasting sobriety and build a foundation for a healthier future.
Call Spero Recovery for Men’s Addiction Treatment
Call Spero Recovery for men’s addiction treatment and take the first step towards a healthier, substance-free life. At Spero Recovery, we specialize in providing comprehensive and compassionate care tailored specifically to the needs of men struggling with addiction. Our programs include a blend of evidence-based therapies, holistic approaches, and peer support, all designed to address the unique challenges men face in recovery. With a focus on building resilience, fostering accountability, and promoting long-term sobriety, Spero Recovery offers a supportive environment where men can heal and thrive. Reach out today to start your journey towards recovery and reclaim your life.