Alcohol Rehab in Colorado

Alcohol is a readily available substance across the United States. Drinking is socially acceptable with social media, songs, and movies glamorizing it and making seem as if it is impossible to be like everyone else unless you consume alcohol.

Alcohol can be addictive and rewires how the brain functions, which creates alcohol dependencies and addictions in people who drink too much. There are a host of health problems, both mental and physical, caused by alcohol addiction, but millions of people continue to use and abuse alcohol knowing this.

Recovery from alcohol addiction is possible using various modalities that are custom tailored for each individual. Spero Recovery Center in Colorado is ready to work with you on regaining control of your life. Read on to discover what alcohol addiction is, how to recognize it, and the treatment methods available to you.

What is Alcohol Addiction?

 alcohol rehab in Colorado

Alcohol addiction, or alcoholism, is a chronic disorder distinguished by a lack of control over drinking, strong cravings for alcohol, physical dependence on alcohol, and deterioration of family, peer, and other social relationships. People suffering from alcohol addiction may find trying to stop very difficult, even once the negative results of their problem are made clear to them.

People dependent on alcohol may be blinded to the problems their drinking is causing or may be in complete denial. Emotional and psychological barriers, such as anxiety, depression, loneliness, and guilty feelings, may prevent an addict from trying to make that first step down the recovery road.

A mixture of environmental, behavioral, social, genetic, and psychological factors all influence alcoholism. Alcohol addiction can stretch from mild to very severe, depending on the amount and severity of the symptoms experienced. If left untreated, alcohol addiction can cause the development of extreme mental health and physical problems, such as brain damage, liver disease (like alcoholic hepatitis), heart disease, anxiety, depression, and an increased risk of various cancers.


What are the Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol Addiction?

Symptoms of an alcohol addiction can manifest in many ways. People react to and process alcohol differently in their systems. A person’s genetics, general health, family medical history, age, metabolic rate, and tolerance to alcohol can all affect which symptoms of alcohol addiction they may portray.

However, there are some common signs and symptoms of alcohol addiction such as:

  • Intense cravings to consume alcohol
  • Inability to regulate the amount of alcohol consumed
  • Copious amounts of time spent getting alcohol, consuming it, or recovering from alcohol abuse
  • Inability to fulfill work obligations, school work, or duties at home due to heavy alcohol use
  • Continual alcohol consumption despite recognition of the social, physical, mental, and relationship problems it’s causing
  • Replacing time spent on work activities and social obligations with time spent drinking
  • Drinking alcohol at inappropriate and unsafe times, such as while operating heavy machinery or swimming
  • Developing an alcohol tolerance so the effects are reduced or more alcohol is needed to maintain a “buzz”
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when abstaining from drinking, and drinking more to cope with these symptoms
  • Temporary blackouts, brownouts, and short-term memory loss
  • Extreme mood swings and increased irritability
  • Concocting excuses to drink, such as for courage, to deal with stress, or to feel normal
  • Lying about drinking, hiding it, or drinking alone

Group therapy for alcohol addiction

addiction discussions
The community vibe we foster at Spero Recovery enables our clients to feel comfortable and teaches them interpersonal skills. We want to create a safe environment for our clients; our goal is to provide a space where they can become the people they have always wanted to be.

sponsor community
At Spero Recovery, we immerse our guests into a 12 Step community. They find sponsors, meet up with them regularly, and work through the 12 Steps. Members of the community pass down the gift of recovery to our clients, which allows them to begin the process of recovery and eventually pass on the gift to other clients.

mountain rehab
We also offer experiential programming – hikes and other outdoor activities. We also have a full woodworking shop. Inviting specialists onto the premises—such as meditation teachers and chefs—is one of our favorite things to do. Our goal is to teach our guests essential life skills and the importance of building relationships.

What are the Various Treatments for Alcohol Addiction?

Since alcohol abuse doesn’t affect each individual in the same way, various treatments are available to tackle alcohol addiction. The alcohol addiction recovery procedure sees the best results when professional guidance and personal support systems are combined.

Professional alcohol addiction treatment typically combines several approaches, such as group therapy meetings, 12-Step programs, prescription medication to help regulate cravings and withdrawal symptoms, holistic approaches, and individual counseling sessions. Your personal support system can include family counseling sessions, aftercare services, and other support groups.

There are various treatments for alcohol addiction, depending on the needs and preferences of each person. Some of the common types of treatment are:

This process should be undertaken under the watchful gaze of a medical professional. Alcohol is removed from the body using safe methods. Medications may be prescribed to blunt the symptoms of withdrawal and help reduce the intensity of cravings. Detox is the first step down the road to recovery, but by itself cannot cure someone from alcohol addiction.

Three FDA-approved medications are used in the treatment of alcohol addiction; disulfiram, naltrexone, and acamprosate. These drugs reduce cravings for drinking, block the rewarding effects of alcohol, or restore brain chemical balance.

Psychotherapy in its various forms is a treatment method that has proven very advantageous to those undergoing addiction rehab. It can take various forms, such as individual, group, and family therapies. The most common psychotherapy treatment methods are cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), holistic therapy, psychodynamic therapy, and humanistic therapy.

The 12-step program was originally developed by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and is a spiritual foundation for personal recovery from alcohol dependency and addiction for the victim as well as their friends and families.

The original Twelve Steps have undergone many adaptations and modifications over the years, but the core principles remain the same. Each step and its actions are listed below.

  1. Honesty. Put denial behind you and admit that you are powerless to stop alcohol abuse.
  2. Faith. You must learn to have faith in your higher power before it can begin to operate for you. Start by accepting that there is a higher power that can help you recover and heal.
  3. Surrender: Let go of your determination to kick the habit solo, and recognize that you need help from your higher power.
  4. Soul Searching. Look into yourself and see how your behavior affects yourself, your loved ones, and other people within your community.
  5. Integrity. Admit all of your wrongdoing in front of another person and your chosen higher power. This provides a great foundation for growth.
  6. Acceptance. Recognize and accept your faults and shortcomings and learn to let them go.
  7. Humility. Sit down. Be humble. Ask your higher power to accomplish what you cannot be your determination or self-will.
  8. Willingness. Creating a list of the people you harmed and misused before starting your recovery journey.
  9. Forgiveness. Making amends can be daunting, but it is a necessary step towards healing relationships for those serious about recovery.
  10. Maintenance. Many people struggle with admitting that they are wrong, but it is necessary for maintaining spiritual recovery progress.
  11. Making contact. Seeking out the plan that your higher power has for your life.
  12. Service. The recovering addict must apply these principles in every aspect of their life, as well as bring the message to others seeking guidance.

The Twelve Traditions

12 steps sketch the path to recovery for people suffering from alcohol addiction. 12 Traditions form the spiritual groundwork behind the 12 steps and form a guideline for how 12-Step programs work. The 12 traditions outline the relationships between individual group members as well as between the group as a whole and the surrounding community.

The most-effective treatment for alcohol addiction will be the one that works for you. You may find it beneficial to combine different options to see what best suits your needs. This is where a professional treatment center comes into play.

If you or a loved one are suffering from alcohol addiction or dependency, speak to your medical caregiver or reach out to a local recovery center to discuss which options are available to be personalized for your rehabilitation.

Find Support at Spero Recovery Center

AA big book studyThere are many treatment methods available, and multitudes of success stories from those who have recovered from an alcohol or substance use addiction and went on to live fulfilling and healthy lives. Spero Recovery Center specializes in the 12-Step modality used within its residency programs. Set within Colorado’s picturesque environment, we offer specialized treatment options for anyone seeking to make the journey to sobriety and overcome alcohol addiction.

Contact us today to schedule a tour of the facility, voice any questions or concerns you make have, or speak to admissions about enrolling and starting your journey. Remember, you are never alone; with Spero Recovery Center there is hope.

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Begin With Spero Recovery Center Today

Finding the right program for recovering from addiction can be challenging. For more information on what Spero Recovery does and how we can help, give us a call. Your are not alone. We can accomplish so much together!